At the time of writing, I don't know if this is the optimal way, but after some trial and error, I got it working.

This example demonstrates a hook that gives you the current value of the ?view=... (or a default) and a function you can call to change it so that ?view=before becomes ?view=after.

In NextJS v13 with the pages directory:

import { useRouter } from "next/router";

export function useNamesView() {
    const KEY = "view";
    const DEFAULT_NAMES_VIEW = "buttons";
    const router = useRouter();

    let namesView: Options = DEFAULT_NAMES_VIEW;
    const raw = router.query[KEY];
    const value = Array.isArray(raw) ? raw[0] : raw;
    if (value === "buttons" || value === "table") {
        namesView = value;

    function setNamesView(value: Options) {
        const [asPathRoot, asPathQuery = ""] = router.asPath.split("?");
        const params = new URLSearchParams(asPathQuery);
        params.set(KEY, value);
        const asPath = `${asPathRoot}?${params.toString()}`;
        router.replace(asPath, asPath, { shallow: true });

    return { namesView, setNamesView };

In NextJS v13 with the app directory.

import { useRouter, useSearchParams, usePathname } from "next/navigation";

type Options = "buttons" | "table";

export function useNamesView() {
    const KEY = "view";
    const DEFAULT_NAMES_VIEW = "buttons";
    const router = useRouter();
    const searchParams = useSearchParams();
    const pathname = usePathname();

    let namesView: Options = DEFAULT_NAMES_VIEW;
    const value = searchParams.get(KEY);
    if (value === "buttons" || value === "table") {
        namesView = value;

    function setNamesView(value: Options) {
        const params = new URLSearchParams(searchParams);
        params.set(KEY, value);

    return { namesView, setNamesView };

The trick is that you only want to change 1 query string value and respect whatever was there before. So if the existing URL was /page?foo=bar and you want that to become /page?foo=bar&and=also you have to consume the existing query string and you do that with:

const searchParams = useSearchParams();
const params = new URLSearchParams(searchParams);
params.set('and', 'also')



Thanks man! that really helped me

Rafael Pessoa

After setting url param, use push function from useRouter.

Mhamad Raad

thanks fam, this still does not exist in the documentation, and it has been forever since the update, great job, thank you, you spared me a couple of hours of figuring it out myself.


This is the exact thing I was looking for.

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