Boost Your DX bundle deal

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Update (2023-12-29): There is now a true bundle product available for this deal. You don’t need to go through the checkout process to find it any more.

I released Boost Your Git DX nearly two weeks ago. It’s the second in my “Boost Your DX” series, following last year’s Boost Your Django DX. Both books aim to improve your development experience with their respective tool.

Today I’m happy to announce the bundle deal for the pair of books. Check out either of the two books, enter your details and click “pay”, and you’ll be offered a $10 discount on the second one:

Screenshot showing bundle deal popup on Gumroad.

If both topics interest you, I hope this deal makes it worth your while to pick up the two books together.

This offer does not apply to team licenses. And unfortunately, the discount doesn’t stack with the regional one for those in lower-income countries, due to a limitation on Gumroad. I hope they will add support in the future.

Find the deal by going through the checkout process with either title:

May you continually boost your developer experience,


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