Django London Meetup 2021 Django logo

The Django London Meetup group is a social meetup, that hold a gathering the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

Paolo Melchiorre with Adam Johnson and Cagil Ulusahin at Django London Meetup 2021
Paolo Melchiorre with Adam Johnson and Cagil Ulusahin at Django London Meetup 2021

🏷️ Title

Maps with Django

🗓️ Date

18th May 2021

🗣️ Language

🇬🇧 English

📍 Location

Online 🌐

🔗 Web

🗒️ Abstract

Keeping in mind the Pythonic principle that “simple is better than complex” we’ll see how to create a web map with the Python based web framework Django using its GeoDjango module, storing geographic data in your local database on which to run geospatial queries.

📜 Description

A map in a website is the best way to make geographic data easily accessible to users because it represents, in a simple way, the information relating to a specific geographical area and is in fact used by many online services.

Implementing a web map can be complex and many adopt the strategy of using external services, but in most cases this strategy turns out to be a major data and cost management problem.

In this talk we’ll see how to create a web map with the Python based web framework Django using its GeoDjango module, storing geographic data in your local database on which to run geospatial queries.

Through this intervention you can learn how to add a map on your website, starting from a simple map based on Spatialite/SQLite up to a more complex and interactive map based on PostGIS/PostgreSQL.

🔃 Tweet

It’s hard to take screenshots while giving a talk, I managed to capture only some moments.
With @cagilulusahin we talked a bit about @djangogirls.
> @AdamChainz reminded the next DjangoCon Europe 2021 @DjangoConEurope where both he and I will be speakers.

📊 Slides